Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Purely for the Punch Line

I know, I know, you all don't really read my blog because, let's face it, what can you say about a recipe? Well, this one's for you and I promise, there is no recipe to be had. Yes, I did it purely for the punch line.

Mmmm, see these? Don't they look yummy? This is the way to start your day, one big boost of sugar (not for children).

Rhodes' Sticky Buns, and they are easy as can be. Simply pull off the wrapping and place the whole pan in your oven, then turn it on. No preheating necessary! When your timer is up, enjoy them warm and smothered in yummy caramelly goo. If prefered, you may turn them onto a plate for a beautiful presentation. Isn't your mouth watering? Good. Here it comes...

Speaking of buns in my oven, I have one. (I think Dad got the joke this time.) :)


Nicole said...

Yay!! Congrats!! Joining the throng of Mills women who are preggers. It's a good group to be in.

XO said...

Oh, wow! Congrats. You know, after reading your comment on how we all get obsessed with being pregnant, I was half tempted to start counting months to see if you'd be getting pregnant anytime soon. Thanks for sparing me the mental exercise - I need all my brains to find those yummy rolls!

The Estes Family said...

hey congrats!! I agree with Nicole it's the best group to be in!! how far along?

Jamie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! The Mills baby boom strikes again.

Merit Badge Mom said...

Congratulations!!! That is super exciting.

Lynnell Fulkerson said...

Papa DIDN'T get the joke when Sweet Chariot (Sha-ree-oh) was "in the oven". We all sat down for dinner at Laurel's house and Laurel asked Dad to look in the oven. He dutifully got up and opened the oven door, and pulled out a single, dried up, cold hotdog bun. Confused, he brought it to the table and set it down on his plate while the rest of us were grinning ear to ear. The next two announcements were made by the older siblings in an off-handed way as they came up the stairs and headed toward Grammie's toybox. "We're having a baby. Can you help me open the toybox lid?"

Toni Dee! said...

he he . . . clever clever! Yay for babies!!!

Mills Family said...

Oh how exciting, I can't believe how many of us that are prego this year how crazy. So when are you due, do you know what you are having yet? How far along are you?