Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Calling All Bean Enthusiasts!

You heard me right. I'm preparing an Enrichment class on how to use the 75-100 lbs. of dry beans in your storage room. I readily welcome any and all suggestions and am awaiting your responses.
By the way, the picture has nothing to do with beans, it is Apple Pork & Sweet Potatoes in my crock pot and it looked so pretty I just had to take a picture.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Menu 3

The pictures of my Christmas treats were taken to work on husband's computer. When they make it back home, I'll post them. For now, I'll do another menu. Oh, and Santa was listening. I got my menu software and am learning to work it. Let's see if it's as helpful as I imagine...
I am leaving out the grocery list this time. If someone wants it, I'll email it. The chili and hamburgers throw things off...

Kahlua Pork & Sweet Potatoes- Yes, pork and sweet potatoes is a theme for me. This one is the yummiest. It tastes like a luau.

Chicken Divine- A casserole spiffed up with lemon and curry.

Hamburgers- You know the drill.

Chicken Teriyaki- I double the sauce recipe and keep it in a jar in the fridge. Homemade is best!

Chili- Pick your Fave!

Omelets in a Bag

For all you inept omelet flippers out there (I include myself), here are some easy and attractive little fellas to try. Get yourself some ziploc bags and away we go. Simply crack an egg or two (but not more) into a ziploc. Add your milk, cheese, S & P, green onions, tomatoes...whatever floats your boat. Squish it around for a minute--the kids love this one. Then drop into a pot of rolling, boiling water for 13 minutes. If you have a big pot, you can fit 5-6. This works well if you have breakfast company. Write names on the bags with a sharpie and everyone picks their own fillings. After boiling, they roll right out onto your plate. Top with salsa or sour cream and you're done. No one-at-a-time nonsense. You're welcome.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Enrichment Night Refreshments

First of all, may I say how thankful I am for this calling? I am thankful. I feel like a real life caterer and for reasons you may not understand, I love to serve food! Don't take that wrong--I would never want to work in fast food. Having been in primary for the last 9 years (since the day I graduated), I sometimes feel left out of Relief Society. In fact, I can count the times I've been to an RS lesson on my fingers and maybe a toe. But we all know how important food is for social events! If this is all in my head, don't tell me.
For my own sake, I am blogging the last few refreshments/meals we've had for RS. That way, I won't end up with more or less the same thing we had last time...

January 2007--Potato Bar, Pineapple Orange Cake

March 2007--Lasagna Rollups Dinner

October 2007--Hawaiian Haystacks

December 2007--Libby's Pumpkin Roll

January 2008--Navajo Tacos, Chocolate Cherry Cake

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chocolate Cherry Cake

So the RS dinner is done. I went with Navajo Tacos and Chocolate Cherry Cake. I bought the scones from a bakery (50 was too many for from-scratch) and the chili was canned...nothing exciting. But this cake--I should have taken a picture before there were no leftovers. It took 3 minutes to stir it up and 5 minutes for the frosting, which was very fudge-like. It was so moist and decadent. The lady across from me even called it "luscious"!

Chocolate Cherry Cake:
18 oz. box chocolate cake mix (I used devil's food)
21 oz. can cherry pie filling
1 tsp. almond extract (I ran out of this last week and therefore left it out. I am sure it would enhance the maraschino-ness...)
2 eggs
Stir carefully by hand just until moist. I mixed wet first, then added the box mix. Spread evenly into a greased 9x13. Bake at 350* about 35 min.
1 c. white sugar
6 T. butter (no subs)
1/3 c. milk
1 c. chocolate chips
Bring sugar, butter and milk to a boil for one minute. Stir in chips until smooth and pour immediately over hot cake. Cool and serve.